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Our calculations

Understanding the environmental impact of what we eat isn't easy. People often lack the right information and get overwhelmed by what they find online. We research how to simplify this information and bring it to a broader audience. 

Our goal is to offer science-based solutions to anyone who is looking for them. We want you to really understand what the impact of your diet is and that is why we started to create an understandable impact score for recipes.


We look at the impact of all ingredients present by looking at their life cycle, from production to consumption. At each stage, we looked at how many greenhouse gases were produced and that is translated into a CO2 equivalent, water equivalent, nitrogen equivalent and land use equivalent.

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We look at a full life cycle assessment of all products that are used to make a recipe. In a lifecycle assessment we look at 15 factors that determine the environmental impact of the used ingredients. For the four factors that are currently very impactful, being

  • Carbon footprint

  • Land use,

  • Water use

  • Nitrogen emissions.

We compare the impact of this meal to an average Belgian meal. An average Belgian meal produces, for example, 2.1 kg of CO₂. If the recipes produces less CO₂ the bar will be green, if the number is more or less the same it will be yellow and if the recipe produces more CO₂ the bar will be red.

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Impact in action!

The scores are ready to be implemented in your restaurant! With just one click of a button, we can turn your recipe data into scores and labels. We are currently already doing this for the student restaurant at the VUB and several restaurants in Ghent. Check out our gallery to see what this looks like in real life!

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